HomeÁbaco On-line
Ábaco On-line
Check your tax situation on Internet
Let's see why it is a good idea to use Ábaco On-line.
Ábaco On-line is part of the ÁbacoTaxes Total Service Pack .
From the comfort of your own home we will keep you informed and advise you on your legal and tax affairs. You can even track the progress of your tax return.
Our on-line service is available to you throughout the year and will update you wherever or whenever you want.
Through using Ábaco On-line you can:
- Spot check your personal data to ensure your declaration is correct.
- Receive pre-payment reminders.
- Access your tax file showing what, when and how much you have paid in taxes and to whom.
- Download your Spanish tax return (available for non-residents).
- Receive up-to-the-minute news alerts about tax, legal or economic issues in Spain.
- Feel confident that your details are 100% secure, complying with all established IT security standards.
Direct access to your Ábaco On-line account
Sign in to view your personal tax file, your notifications and the latest news from Spain.
Keep your personal information secure
Encripting all the
information we send,
certificated by Verisign
Security system
approved by the
Technical Institute
of IT in Spain (ITI)
Abaco On-line is now on iPhone, Android and Blackberry
For greater accessibility you can even keep in touch from your smartphone
Testimonials Clients
“We picked the AbacoConnect service package from a number of Fiscal Representation services advertised on the net because of the clear, easy to follow joining procedure, the quick response and the competitive price.”
Kathy and Brian Simmons
“What a pleasure it has been to use the AbacoConnect service. Our Spanish taxes were taken care of for the year by on-line so we did not even have to be in Spain to complete all the formalities. What a fabulous convenience.”
Paul Holden